Parent Education


Expanding Awareness about Education, Parenting and Teens
Parent-Ed for SHS PTSO: 2022-23

SHS PTSO Parent Ed Committee Vision:
The SHS Parent Education Committee strives to bring speakers and presentations to support parents with tools and techniques to understand the physiological, social and academic experiences of  teens in becoming capable, confident, independent adults - ready for college and life.



Roli Mehrotra
Arnita Proffitt


Other Resources: Parent Education Speaker Series in 2017-2018


Topics include:

  • Why Sleep? - Talk  by Rafael Pelayo, MD Clinical Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Stanford Center for Sleep Sciences and Medicine.
  • SHS Special Education Team - The SHS student support team talking about the program.
  • Navigating Through the Digital Media Landscape.
  • The Pulitzer Prize winner and New York Times Bestselling author George Anders speaking about his book “You Can Do Anything”.


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